Lepista/Clitocybe nuda
There’s something special about the number 10, it’s an important number for several reasons, not least, our numerical system.
And we love to use it in collections! Top Ten, Ten Most… etc
So naturally, Ten felt significant in my Mushroom journal and number Nine left a certain anticipation in it’s wake…
The lilac tinted Wood Blewit certainly did not disappoint!
I have only eaten 10 wild mushrooms so far but it doesn’t mean they are the only edible ones I have come across.
Frustratingly, I’ve no doubt passed many, many mushrooms that are potentially edible but all are “inedible” if you’re not entirely sure what they are!
The last six mushrooms I’ve foraged have been very easy to identify but I had to be more cautious with these, though they’re still a reasonably easy one to identify.
Lookalikes include the similarly edible Field Blewit (Lepista saeva) which is said to be easier to identify as it only grows on grassland, therefore is less likely to be mixed up with some of the toxic wood dwellers.
Although (as the name suggests) Wood Blewits are often found in woodland, I actually found these on a grassy hill.
They are saprobic on leaf litter, so can be found on grass if there are trees nearby.
Part of the reason I recognised the Wood Blewit when I found it is because I spend so much time on Mushroom Groups. When a particular mushroom comes into season you notice a trend in the photographs being shared.
Blewits come into season as the weather gets colder.
I’ll confess, I started writing this post ages ago and have been berating myself for getting sidetracked…
I was planning to write about the “poisonous” Cortinarius species to look out for (aka Webcaps) but during the delay I learned that I had been misinformed. I guess everything happens for a reason!
It is true that some Webcaps with similar colouring could potentially be mistaken for Blewits to the less experienced forager. Cortinarius purpurascens, (Bruising Webcap) is one such example. It’s not poisonous but is often described as “suspect”, the reason being that there are some deadly poisonous species of Webcap so it is generally advised to avoid Webcaps altogether!
You’re less likely to confuse a Wood Blewit with one of the toxic cortinarius species though, which are more likely to be mistaken for Chanterelles due to the colour.
No Room For Doubt
Feeling confident that I had Wood Blewits, I was keen to eat them BUT there was still room for a tiny bit of doubt and there must be no doubt when it comes to eating wild plants and mushrooms!
Even if you’ve got it right, the doubt itself could cause some very unpleasant symptoms if you begin questioning your ID after you’ve eaten them. I didn’t want that.
If you have checked all the other identification features and are still unsure, a spore print can be useful, which is what I decided to do.
Blewits have pale pinkish spores (you can see them on the cap rim below). Cortinarius have rusty brown spores (often visible on the stem and cap rim).
I placed the mushroom caps, gills down, on a piece of tinfoil and left overnight. The light spore print wouldn’t be visible on white paper which is why I used tinfoil but I’ve since heard a great tip which is to use a piece of glass, which you can then place over a light or dark surface to see any colour print!
Finally, I was ready to eat them! I only picked two small caps as it’s wise to try a small amount when sampling a mushroom for the first time.
Having read that thorough cooking is important, I sautéed them whole in olive oil over a medium heat, turning occasionally until they turned a rich golden brown.
I served them on top of my Broccoli Garlic Spaghetti, garnished with Herb Robert leaves and Cashew “Parmesan”.
I know, I know Spaghetti again, but I love spaghetti!!
Thanks for reading!
Have you tasted Wood Blewits?
Share your thoughts below.
This Post Has One Comment
I think I found these today!!!! Exciting!! Can you eat them after their lilac colour has domewhat faded into more beige but before turning up??